
Destiny Child Tier List Jp

Developed by Shift-upward, the Destiny Child game falls under gacha genre and, like Evertale, information technology is only available on mobile devices. The game was released on Google Play and Apple tree's App Shop only and can also be played on PC using emulators. The game allows players to collect in-game character cards, also called "Childs", to participate in iv unique game modes. The global version of the game was released in 2018, and as of today, players tin can admission PvP, PvE, Raid, and World boss events. The list of playable characters is ridiculously long; hence we take curated our Destiny Child tier list to give you a general thought of every Child you may want to play with.

Destiny Child has a long listing of characters, with each Child having pros and cons diversified into four in-game modes. That is why we volition allocate the characters or "Childs" for this tier list, based on how skilful or bad they perform in each game mode. So instead of describing the merits and demerits of the Childs, we have given scores this time. It is also the reason why our tier list looks quite different in composition than Paladins Tier List.


All characters falling under the Southward-tier category are absolute best in Destiny Kid. Be it PvE, PvP, Raid, or Globe boss events, all Childs mentioned in the list beneath are outstanding. They will overpower your opponents and take hold of the near wins in your favor. Just selection whatsoever character from the listing, and 9 out of 10 times, your opponents volition lose.

Destiny Child tier list
S-Tier Childs
Proper noun of Child PVE PVP Raid World Dominate Events
Ambrosia 10 10 10 10
Paris 9 9 10 10
Eve viii nine x 9
Alecto 9 9 9 nine
Frej ix 8 8 x
Persephone 8 8 9 9
Ea 9 ix 8 9
A.I x 8 viii ix
Pantheon 9 viii 8 seven
DJ Hertz 8 8 ten 10
Phoenix 8 8 8 seven
Hermod 8 ix eight seven
Anger Dragon eight eight eight 8
Hestia eight 8 7 8
Photic Watcher 7 9 seven 7
Amor 8 7 7 7
Toxicant Ampule 9 seven 7 7
Hypnos viii eight vii vii
Purple Revenger 8 8 8 six
Ankh 7 vii half dozen 9
Horus viii 8 10 vii
Apollon 9 7 half dozen eight
Ptah 9 nine 7 7
Pomona 8 half-dozen 7 10
Idun 8 8 7 7
Arethusa nine nine 7 7
Pyro 7 8 seven ix
Isis seven 7 7 nine
Aria 9 7 8 seven
Ishtar 8 eight viii vi
Ruby Blood Wyvern 10 10 vii 7
Arges 8 8 6 9
Jana 7 7 9 8
Carmine Nose eight viii 8 9


Childs mentioned in our A-tier category are bang-up but not the all-time ones out in the game. They still outperform a few characters from the above Destiny Child tier list category. Notwithstanding, nevertheless, they lack backside in at to the lowest degree one game fashion. That does non mean you should skip the Child cards you lot get from the A-tier list. As a matter of fact, not all S-tier characters can be obtained easily. So, it'd be wise to proceed playing and upgrading Child cards from A-tier than to discard them in the hopes of getting an South-tier ane. If you've played Destiny Kid already, you lot'd become the gist.

Destiny Child tier list
A-Tier List Childs
Name of Kid PVE PVP Raid World Boss Events
Arms 7 seven 6 7
Red Revenger 8 7 7 viii
Ashtoreth ix 7 7 8
Judas 7 7 8 seven
Artemis 6 6 8 8
Redcross 9 7 half dozen 7
Jeonseol vi 6 8 8
Rhun vii 7 7 6
Jeanne d'Arc vii vii 6 7
Jupiter 8 viii 6 6
Baal 6 6 7 viii
Rusalka half dozen 7 eight 6
Korra 6 viii seven half-dozen
Aten vii 7 7 7
Rudolph half-dozen 6 6 8
Kirinus 8 8 six 6
Ruin 8 8 ix 5
Atropos 8 7 nine 6
Krampus 6 7 9 6
Basilisk eight eight six 5
Saladin 9 ix viii 7
Lady 4 8 viii 9
Bakje 9 5 5 nine
Demeters 9 8 5 6
Orora vii seven seven x
Zelos 6 half-dozen 8 viii
Dinashi 8 8 vi 7
Nymph 8 7 6 8
Yui 7 8 half-dozen 8
Yuna 8 vi half dozen 7
Diana viii 8 6 6


All Childs belonging to our B-tier category are a fiddling underwhelming. Some of the characters mentioned below are uncommonly cracking in at to the lowest degree i game mode. However, you will starting time to detect the deviation in their performance or ineffectiveness when you play them in a game fashion they are not intended to play for.

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Hither is an example: Leaf Feather Daron is an absolute beast for world boss events, but he plays out average in the other three game modes. This is the case with well-nigh B-tier Childs; they shine in a item game mode while they ooze with disappointment in the rest. Card upgrade is the but way to stick around and play with Childs belonging to our B-tier. Otherwise, expect to lose a lot of duels, and win a few ones.

Destiny Child tier list
C-Tier List Childs
Name of Child PVE PVP Raid World Boss Events
Kratos 7 6 8 8
Santa Claus nine 7 6 6
Baphomet ix 6 6 vi
Salmacis 8 8 vi half-dozen
Lan Fei 6 eight 6 8
Sekhmet viii 7 6 seven
Bazooka six seven 7 eight
Leda 6 half dozen 7 half-dozen
Bast 6 six half-dozen 6
Sarah half-dozen 5 8 8
Leaf Feather Daron 5 five 5 10
Bastet viii 8 seven six
Leuce eight 8 9 7
Sidhe seven 7 5 5
Bellboy v 5 6 7
Light Revenger half-dozen 6 6 viii
Shamash 8 8 seven 7
Bazookaman 7 7 6 5
Selene 5 5 vi seven
Bazoorambo 6 6 5 v
Liza 8 6 half-dozen 6
Sonnet 5 5 9 9
Berit 8 viii 8 4
Nighttime Watcher 5 v 8 6
Davi viii 8 5 v
Naiad seven 7 vii 5
Ymir 9 7 vii 5
Nirrti 5 5 8 vii
Deino 6 half-dozen half dozen 6
Racket Source seven 7 half-dozen half-dozen


Virtually, if non all, Childs falling in our C-category of Destiny Child tier listing are a waste of time. They have below-average operation and are easily beaten by upgraded card opponents or Childs belonging to our S, A, and B tier categories. To play with a Child from the C-tier listing, we highly suggest you lot keep playing with just one character from the listing and upgrade information technology to the max. It is the but way to stand up out from the competition and better your chances of winning duels with foes.

Destiny Child tier list
C-Tier List Childs
Proper name of Child PVE PVP Raid Earth Boss Events
Blue Revenger four 7 4 five
Skuld half-dozen 6 5 4
Mafdet 6 vi six 6
Liyuga 4 iv vii 6
Blackness Feather Daron 7 vi v 6
Siren 4 5 6 7
Boxer half-dozen half-dozen 5 7
Manti 5 five half dozen 6
Teddy six seven v half dozen
Breman 7 7 5 v
Maiden Detective 4 5 half dozen 7
Sylvan Watcher vi 6 6 5
Mammon four 4 vii seven
Blueish Water Wyvern half-dozen 6 6 5
Tartarus 4 4 v half dozen
Thanatos six 6 4 5
Mars 5 5 five seven
Brownie half-dozen vi five four
Themis 6 seven 7 v
Mayahuel 6 6 6 6
Burning Watcher 5 5 v 7
Medb 5 7 five 5
Bukududool four 7 half dozen v
Wangkuni five five 5 five
Morgana 7 5 5 6
Danu 6 6 five 5
Cynthia v 5 four half-dozen
Nebula vi iv 6 iv
Wool 4 4 5 5
Daphne five iv 4 5
Neid half dozen 6 4 4
Wola five vi iv iv
Yaga five 5 4 four


All 33 Childs of our D-tier are admittedly useless when it comes to playing PvE, PvP, Raid, or World boss events. In the current meta, they severely lack the skills to triumph in all 4 game modes successfully. All characters from this Destiny Child tier list demand serious balancing so that most people get to use them. So, we highly suggest you steer clear from the Childs falling under our D-tier for now.

Destiny Child tier list
D-Tier List Childs
Proper name of Child PVE PVP Raid Earth Boss Events
Thalia v 4 four 4
Medea 4 4 four 4
Tiamat 3 5 four iii
Chain Killer 3 five 3 iii
Meplomene 4 4 four four
Thoth 5 half-dozen 3 3
Calchas 3 3 3 three
Calypso 3 4 3 4
Tisiphone 4 5 3 three
Medeia 3 three iv 4
Chaser 4 5 half dozen 2
Metis iii 3 3 4
Treasure Chest 4 2 5 iv
Chang'e 2 2 6 5
Merlin 4 4 4 3
Messenger 4 4 4 2
Tyche five 5 three 3
Cheoyong ii three 3 4
Titania four 4 2 2
Mona two 2 4 3
Vesta iii 3 3 four
Cybele 3 3 3 3
Valkyrie 2 2 three 2
Midas 3 4 iii two
Cleopatra 2 2 2 two
Victrix four 3 2 ane
Mnemosyne 3 3 2 2
Chimaera i i 4 4
Warwolf 4 i 3 1
Muse 1 three 4 2
Dana two 2 1 2
Vulcanus ii 1 i one
Morrigu 1 i 1 i

Here are fundamental takeaways from the complete tier list.

Now that you know everything about the Destiny Kid tier list, which Child are y'all aiming to get in the game? Volition you pick our favorites mentioned above? Or, have you already nit-picked your preferable characters in mind? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section beneath.

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Photo of Irfan Ansari

With iv years of Video Game Journalism and Tremendous dear for Gaming, Irfan loves chatting and writing everything almost video games.


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